Friday, June 24, 2011

Natural Bug Spray

Right now you can buy a flat of marigolds cheap, and that is one of the effective ingredients to make this natural bug spray.

Bug Spray

2 cups of marigold flower heads (African variety is the most pungent) it has deep red and orange color.
1 clove of garlic
1 tsp of mint extract
1/4 cup of Murphy's oil soap.
3 cups of water

In a blender, add all of these ingredients and pulverize, then liquify all for about 3 minutes. Stain through a metal mesh strainer, then through some cheese cloth, pressing with a spoon to get every bit of your essence through. Pour in a quart jar and let it settle. Now pour into a spray bottle. You are ready to go repel any bug in your garden. This spray is safe for your plants and you. It won't burn and will wash off and not leave an odor. Shake your bottle every time you use it. Be careful not to get spray on your clothes.
The spray bottles that I use are the ones for spraying horses, it has the stream choice. You can also reuse sprayers from the store that have this feature. Make sure that particles are out of your formula before putting into the spray bottle.

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